Measurement, KPIs & the Role of Awareness

Part of the e-book series, Owner’s Manual for the Modern Demand Gen Engine

Did you know that 90% of C-suite buyers say brand is influential in shortlisting the buying process?

A high level of brand awareness can significantly improve the results of your demand gen strategy.

In “Measurement, KPIs & the Role of Awareness,” Parts 8 & 9 of the series Owner’s Manual for the Modern Demand Gen Engine, John Steinert (CMO of TechTarget) and Samantha Stone (award-winning, high-growth marketing strategist) discuss how to set the right KPIs to correlate marketing activities to business health and how brand advertising can support demand generation by building awareness.

Track the right KPIs and leverage the power of awareness in demand gen by:

  • Creating a scorecard to correlate marketing activities to business health.
  • Differentiating between accountability metrics and forecast indicators.
  • Understanding how digital advertising and other awareness tools play a significant role in demand generation and purchase consideration.

Download today to learn in-depth from practicing marketers who are at the forefront of the industry.

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