James Kirkland

James Kirkland

Chief Architect, Internet of Things, Red Hat

James Kirkland is the advocate for Red Hat's initiatives and solutions for the internet of things and is the architect of its three-tier strategy for IoT deployments. The middle, intelligent gateway tier combines data acquisition, integration, and rules activation to connect customers' operational technology environments with information technology infrastructure and simplify IoT integration.

James serves as the lead subject matter expert and global team lead of system architects responsible for accelerating IoT implementations for customers worldwide. Through his collaboration with customers, partners and systems integrators, Red Hat has grown its IoT ecosystem, expanding its presence in industries including transportation, logistics and retail, and accelerating adoption of IoT in large enterprises.

A member of the IIC, James is also a contributor to the IoT working group of Eclipse.org and is a frequent public speaker and author of a wide range of technical topics. His extensive knowledge UNIX and Linux variants spans the course of 20 years through his positions at Red Hat, and in previous roles at Racemi and Hewlett-Packard.

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