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EHNAC Releases 2023 Health IT Accreditation Criteria for Public Review

Healthcare stakeholders can review EHNAC’s new versions of program criteria for health IT accreditation until November 28.

The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC), a non-profit health IT standards development organization, has posted new versions of program criteria for its 19 accreditation programs and 3 beta accreditation programs for public review.

The open process for adopting criteria will end on November 28, 2022.

The updates by the EHNAC Criteria Committee include addressing capacity planning and utilization monitoring criteria, as well as upgrades to some criteria within ePAP-EHN.

2023 developments also include enhancements mapping to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and other clarifications and grammatical improvements.

"The criteria review process is an essential part of EHNAC's methodology and commitment to transparency, allowing those involved with healthcare data exchange to voice their recommendations and help shape standards-based accreditation within our industry," Lee Barrett, executive director and CEO of EHNAC, said in a press release.

"This year's criteria updates better our existing programs, while expanding into three emerging programs: Explanation of Provider Payments, CARIN Code of Conduct, and Privacy by Design,” Barrett continued.

Criteria versions for the following 19 enhanced programs are available for review:

  • ACOAP - Accountable Care Organization Accreditation Program (V4.2)
  • DRAP - Data Registry Accreditation Program (V4.2)
  • DT P&S - DirectTrust Privacy & Security (V2.2)
  • EHNAC P&S - EHNAC Privacy & Security (V2.2)
  • ePAP-EHN - e-Prescribing Accreditation Program (V9.2)
  • EPCSCP-Pharmacy - Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program - Pharmacy Vendor (V4.3)
  • EPCSCP-Prescribing - Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances Certification Program - Prescribing Vendor (V4.3)
  • FSAP-EHN - Financial Services Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks (V5.2)
  • FSAP-Lockbox - Financial Services Accreditation Program for Lockbox Services (V5.2)
  • HIEAP - Health Information Exchange Accreditation Program (V4.2)
  • HNAP-EHN - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Electronic Health Networks [Includes Payer] (V13.2)
  • HNAP-Medical Biller - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Medical Billers (V4.2)
  • HNAP-TPA - Healthcare Network Accreditation Program for Third Party Administrators (V4.2)
  • MSOAP - Management Service Organization Accreditation Program (V4.2)
  • OSAP - Outsourced Services Accreditation Program1 (V4.2)
  • PMSAP - Practice Management System Accreditation Program (V4.2)
  • TDRAAP-Basic - Trusted Dynamic Registration & Authentication Accreditation Program Basic (V1.4)
  • TDRAAP-Comprehensive - Trusted Dynamic Registration & Authentication Accreditation Program Comprehensive (V1.4)
  • TNAP-HIN - Trusted Network Accreditation Program (V2.1)

Criteria versions for the following three beta programs are available for review:

  • EPPAP - Explanation of Provider Payment Accreditation Program (V1.0-Beta)
  • CCCAP - CARIN Code of Conduct Accreditation Program (V1.0-Beta)
  • PBDAP - Privacy by Design Accreditation Program (V1.0-Beta)

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