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Recent crises such as the CrowdStrike outages and California wildfires show why people-centered business continuity is crucial. ...
Geopolitical risks are often linked to international political, social and economic activities. Set policies for global business ...
Data backup vendor Arctera, which consists of former Veritas businesses, will continue to sell these products separately as it ...
RAID 5 and RAID 6 both have their pros and cons. Find out which RAID configuration is right for your organization.
Wind power is a promising way for data centers to cut carbon footprints. Despite challenges, evolving technology offers efficient...
Due to rapid AI hardware advancement, companies release advanced products yearly to keep up with the competition. The new ...
AI is a power-hungry beast -- here's how to tame it.
Diversity can help improve a company's bottom line, but the term often causes confusion. Learn about the different types and how ...