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January 2017, Vol. 15, No. 11

Showback the value of your data storage expertise

It seems everyone is trying to eliminate the storage admin. If the general virtual admin can manage storage or the cloud takes care of it, why not? Well, for one, it would greatly increase all kinds of risk. IT operations could always become more automated and infrastructure silos will naturally merge, sure, but advanced storage responsibilities like data protection and governance are complex, tricky, and often require close supervision and expertise. It's not just storage that's in trouble, either. Public clouds provide a simple price structure that businesses can not only directly map to utilization, but also often unfairly compare to their internal IT allocation, or tax, for similar services. So how can IT make clear the relative value of storage knowhow in this new world of automation, virtualization, convergence and cloud computing? To start, IT needs to step up and provide an understandable, usage-aligned cost model to its business leaders. In fact, we are already seeing this happen with the growing popularity of IT ...

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