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Forget all-flash arrays, aim for flash-optimized storage first

This article is part of the Storage issue of August 2017, Vol. 16, No. 6
All-flash arrays have become another shiny object, distracting us from what's really going on in the external storage market. Quarter after quarter, I hear from analysts and vendor executives -- mostly at traditional companies -- congratulating themselves on how fast their AFA businesses have been growing. This is happening all while the overall market continues to shrink because of macro market issues, such as public cloud storage, software-as-a-service applications and the rise of on-premises software-defined storage with hyper-converged infrastructure. This shell game is akin to politicians claiming to have reduced the budget deficit, saying "Last year, we ran a $700 billion deficit, and this year, it's $500 billion." What they really did was reduce the deficit's rate of decline; the actual deficit grew by $500 billion. Next step: Flash-first This has AFA vendors doing odd things. To get counted in this new shiny object market category, some vendors have created dedicated SKUs artificially limited to flash-only technology. ...
Features in this issue
Disaggregating network, compute and storage allocation demystified
Explore the ways disaggregation concepts and principles are being applied to create and allocate pools of compute and storage resources to serve applications on demand.
Hybrid cloud technology gets the most out of primary storage workloads
Learn what to look for in a hybrid cloud platform so you can take advantage of the scalability, agility and cost benefits it has to offer primary storage.
Columns in this issue
Software-defined storage products don't negate hardware's importance
Software-defined storage, positioned as the cure-all for vendor lock-in, suggests that hardware may not be as important to IT infrastructure as it once was.
Forget all-flash arrays, aim for flash-optimized storage first
Look for simple, cost-effective products that are optimized for flash and meet your needs rather than focusing on the all-flash array storage that vendors are pushing.