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February 2018, Vol. 16, No. 12

Violin Systems and StorOne lead way to shared storage

If I had to point to the column that garnered the most feedback in 2017, it would be one I wrote about the movement back to shared enterprise storage from the siloed software-defined and hyper-converged kit the industry has been peddling for the past couple of years. Both vendors and many customers have told me my view was out of step with the big analyst firms who saw software-defined storage and hyper-converged infrastructure numbers climbing by 30% or more in the next few years. I could write a column assailing the purveyors of fake industry projections, pointing to their revenue model and how they're paid by industry vendors to present the ruminations of those vendors as "the next big thing." But that would be too easy. Instead, I want to share the latest developments that affirm the countertrend I see happening based on my observations in the storage trenches. Exhibit 1: The resurrection of Violin Systems Recall the halcyon days of pre-nonvolatile memory express (NVMe) flash storage -- circa 2003 to 2012. A time when too ...

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