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Build 1803 Equals April Update

For some reason, lots of people — including me — take pleasure from following the procession of Windows 10 release names. That’s why I jumped all over a news item today. It’s entitled “The upcoming feature update for Windows 10 will be called the ‘April Update’.” It even provides visual proof for this assertion. April Update shows up verbatim in Welcome page after upgrading Insider Preview to Build 17134. Although MS has not confirmed the nomenclature, it seems fair to say that Build 1803 Equals April Update nevertheless.

Says April update right at the top of the latest Welcome screen in Build 17134. What else ya need?

Proof That Build 1803 Equals April Update

The top line of the Welcome page indisputably says “April update.” The last contender in the name sweepstakes comes from output from the PowerShell Get-VMHostSupportedVersion command. I blogged about this on March 12. I used it to assert that the current name candidate was “Spring Creators Update.” So I ran the command again just now to find this output instead:

Notice the bottom line now reads “Windows 10 Update/Server 1803.” No hard data to confirm or deny a name here.

Of course, this could easily be a placeholder. MS could substitute a different name on the Welcome page when the RTM comes out for real. But half the fun comes from finding and pondering clues that MS lets slip as RTM draws nearer. At least, April gets away from the “hemispheric bias” of associating releases with seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. Maybe MS has finally recognized that what’s Spring for us in the USA or Europe is Fall (or Autumn) for those in Latin America, Africa or Australia (and lots of other places, too).

Here’s hoping this signals a new global point of view for release names in general. I still think they should stick to Version (1803) and Build (17134.1) numbers and be done with it. Not much room for mixed or missed references or ambiguities there!

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