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July 2018, Vol. 2, No. 4

Should IT monitor mobile device usage for work-life balance?

Mobile devices have made it easier than ever to accomplish basic tasks from anywhere. Want a ride? Request an Uber. Need a snack? Order from Grubhub. Miss your mom? Shoot her a text. But smartphones and tablets also made it easier to do work from anywhere, whether that's during your lunch break, in the car on the way home, after hours or on vacation. It's a reality of the new technological age that's butting up against most peoples' hopes for a strong work-life balance. When you can take your work with you anywhere, are you ever truly off the clock? This is the question many employees are grappling with today -- and enterprise IT, tech vendors and even governments are starting to take more notice. In 2017, France instituted a law requiring some companies to set hours when employees cannot send or respond to emails. A New York City councilman introduced a similar bill in March. Swaths of new apps such as Moment and QualityTime have come out to help individuals monitor their mobile device usage. But sometimes the draw of that ...

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