Advances in access governance strategy and technology

Last updated:August 2018

Editor's note

In IT security, access governance is all about reducing to the extent possible the risk that comes with end users, specifically the danger of excessive or unnecessary access privileges to systems and data. This includes the issue of setting strategy and policy to guide who has access to what; avoiding privilege creep; updating authentication processes; and keeping costs contained. The end goal is for the enterprise to put in place a secure authentication and access process -- and keep it up to date.

As the tools and methods evolve, an enterprise access governance system must also evolve. This guide looks at the parameters of identity and access management now, with an eye to keeping IT security pros updated on the latest developments in identity and access management.

1Au revoir, passwords; bon jour multifactor authentication

Keeping control over who has access to valuable and sensitive company data and systems demands moving past the username/password approach to IAM. Get up to speed on using multifactor authentication by reviewing these timely materials.

2Effective IAM strategy and advanced tech truly vital now

Desperate times calls for cutting-edge measures. Learn the many ways -- from the FIDO Alliance to the development of cryptographic keys -- those at the forefront of IT security are developing strategic means and advanced tech to protect company assets.

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