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February 2017, Vol. 19, No. 1

Role of CISO: FICO enlists CISO in security product management

Lenders have relied on FICO ratings to assess future credit risk for decades. Vickie Miller, in her role of CISO at the San Jose-based data analytics company, has spent years managing cybersecurity and privacy risk as the head of its information security programs. A Certified Information Systems Security Professional and Certified Information Privacy Professional, Miller received the ISE Central Executive of the Year Award 2015 from T.E.N., a national tech exec networking organization. Recently, for a time, she also served as the senior director of cybersecurity product management at FICO. Miller has also made her mark beyond financial services. She is an executive board member of InfraGard, a partnership between the FBI and the private sector, which works to share information and intelligence in an effort to prevent hostile acts against the United States. As an extension of that program, she works with the FBI Citizens Academy, which involves individuals in leadership roles -- ranging from CIOs to ministers -- in information ...

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