An overview of the eggPlant testing tool for test automation

The eggPlant testing tool provides developers and testers with software to create, schedule and execute automated testing and debugging tasks on a variety of mobile platforms.

The eggPlant Functional testing tool from TestPlant is an automated application testing and debugging tool. Rather than manually check the functionality of developed applications, users can establish automated functionality tests and debugging protocols that focus on the performance of the app's GUI. Unlike a traditional application testing tool that taps into the app's user interface framework, the eggPlant testing tool uses image analysis technology to perform testing tasks and validate functionality based on the app user's perspective. EggPlant Functional is part of the larger eggPlant Range offering, which is a suite of tools that supports test automation.

What is the eggPlant Functional application testing tool for?

The eggPlant testing tool lets users test the functionality and performance of a developed app on any device or operating system regardless of coding language. Using one or more scripts, users can establish test scenarios involving their developed application codebase that test its functionality across multiple devices or operating systems. It can be installed and run on Linux, macOS X and Windows operating systems. The EggPlant automated testing tool also offers integration with application lifecycle management software including HPE Quality Center, IBM Rational Quality Manager and Jenkins.

How does the eggPlant testing tool support automated application testing?

The software functions using a two-system model: The first is the machine or device where the eggPlant testing tool is installed and run; the second is the system under test (SUT), which is the machine or device running the application that is being tested. The SUT can be a desktop machine, virtual machine or mobile device.

EggPlant Functional uses a virtual network computing connection to bridge the two systems. Once a connection is established between the two, the user is then able to interact and control the SUT. Users then capture images of elements on the SUT that they want the eggPlant testing tool to interact with, and eventually perform tests on, using its Viewer window. These captured images indicate what objects within the application the user wants eggPlant Functional to test.

Once image capture is finalized, users generate one or more scripts that indicate to the tool what should be tested at the selected image location(s) on the SUT. The script(s) can be used as many times as necessary to validate various app processes across different devices and operating systems. Both scripts and captured images can be managed from the tool's Suite window, which is the central location for all of the eggPlant testing tool’s testing functions. The application testing tool's Schedules pane lets users automate the run order of all the various scripts.

Once all scripting tasks have been scheduled, testing can begin. Only one script can be executed at a time -- note that this script can test on multiple devices and operating systems. Users can view data on actively running scripts from the tool's Run window.

Once scheduled scripts are completed, users can view statistics and run information from within the Results tab found in the Suite window to analyze the results and determine what, if any, actions need to be taken to remedy and functionality or performance issues. The eggPlant testing tool also offers an integrated debugging environment for addressing problem areas.

Who benefits most from the eggPlant Functional application testing tool?

The tool is best suited for organizations that intend to develop and launch one or more complex applications. It is suitable for use by development and testing individuals or teams due to its flexible licensing options.

How is the eggPlant testing tool licensed and priced?

There are two variations of the eggPlant testing tool, both of which are available for download from TestPlant: eggPlant Functional Development and eggPlant Functional Execution. Development features the eggPlant automated testing tool's script creation, execution and debugging tools while Execution only offers script execution. Both only allow the tool to be used by one user at a time and are node-locked to a host machine; however, team licenses that allow for shared use on different machines are available. All licenses are subscription based, and pricing and subscription information is available by contacting the company directly.

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