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Is there a business workhorse behind the comely exterior of iPad Air?

Not so long ago, SearchCIO cautioned CIOs to hold off on replacing PCs with tablets. Despite all the user-friendliness of tablets, there was not a whole lot of  heavy duty work that we business workhorses could do on them. Then Apple and IBM announced a partnership to provide enterprise software services for the iPad, offering up the possibility that the tablet could be more than just a handy gadget for C-suite executives and mobile sales forces.

This week, on the heels of unveiling the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Apple introduced the iPad Air. And who knows? Maybe the era of tablet productivity may really be upon us. But as Associate Site Editor Fran Sales reports in this week’s Searchlight news roundup, it won’t be the device’s sleek exterior that wins over the business crowd.

In other news this week: Google introduced Lollipop (version 5 of its Android OS), which includes a way to remotely wipe your phone if it falls into the wrong hands; Facebook and Apple will cover egg freezing expenses for female employees; and Dropbox dodges a bullet. Find these stories and more in this week’s Searchlight.

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