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China Says No Mo Windows or PCs Starting 2022

Here’s one to remember and keep track of. According to the Australian Financial Review, as reported at “The Chinese Communist Party Central Office has ordered all government services to replace all computers running non-Chinese software and operating systems within the next 3 years.” By 2022, that is. That’s why I entitled this blog post “China says no mo Windows or PCs starting 2022.”

Apparently, this comes in response to the US Government’s decision to add Huawei to the “entity list.” That list is a compilation of companies with which it will not do business. (Nor may its contractors do likewise, for any systems that touch or interact with US Government systems.) I’m wondering if the Chinese Communist Party has the oomph to pull this off. It certainly adds impetus for Huawei to keep working on its Hongmeng/Harmony/Ark OS alternative (I wrote about this back in June of this year for Win10.Guru). Here’s a Huawei Central blog post from August, 2019, that provides something close to an “official line” (it’s probably in need of updating, though): HarmonyOS/Hongmeng OS: Here’s everything you need to know about this new Operating System.

Whoa! Huawei went all-out on graphics design for its new OS logo . . . NOT!
[Click image for full-sized view.]

If China Says No Mo Windows or PCs Starting 2022, Can They Make It Stick?

That’s the question, isn’t it? Given that Windows is 30 years in the making, knocking out an alternative may be quite a challenge. OTOH, it’s also given that Windows 10 is out there. Thus, it’s ready to be analyzed and reverse engineered (or perhaps even enhanced and improve upon). That’s one reason why it may be doable. Chances are excellent that MS Legal’s IP group will be keeping a very, very close eye on what comes out. Google, too, as it’s also a replacement for Android that runs Linus, Unix, Web and Android apps. This is a pretty tall order, but it’s also coming from the biggest of all economies and governments. I’m more than slightly curious to see what happens next. It will take a while to see anything tangible, but lots of people, companies (and governments, no doubt) will be paying close attention. Stay tuned!

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