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Out Darned Win10 Dollar Files!

Checking over my production PC this weekend, I noticed a half-dozen folders at the root of my system drive (C:). By definition such files are system related and ordinarily hidden from view. Looking them over, I quickly realized I neither wanted or needed most of them. Hence my exhortation: Out darned Win10 dollar files (with apologies to the Immortal Bard). Here’s what I saw at the head of the C: drive’s folder list (the initial $ takes them to the head of the collating sequence):

Note the list of items here, each starting with the dollar-sign ($) character.
[Click image for full-sized view.]

Tossing Out Darned Win10 Dollar Files

Let’s tackle each item in the foregoing list of hidden system files as they appear from the top down. I’ll dig a bit into each one, and explain why I decided to get rid of 5 of those 6 entries. Sometimes that means I don’t need the contents any more, sometimes it’s an empty directory somehow left behind by Disk Clean up or Settings → Storage → Free Up Space now. Actually, only the Recycle Bin is a must-keep item (it supports the familiar desktop trashcan).


This hidden folder is created on Windows 10 machines during the upgrade process. It contains log files about a specific upgrade, in fact. The files in this folder are dated April 30, 2018, which means they’re tied to the 1803 upgrade. I’m running 1809 on this PC, so I absolutely don’t need this folder any more. Out it goes.


There’s little or no information about the $Hyper-V.tmp folder available anywhere, either from Microsoft or third parties. Its extension — .tmp — usually indicates temporary files which means it’s not necessary to keep them around. Closer inspection of the folder shows it to be empty. I’m not running Hyper-V on this PC anyway. Out it goes, too.


This one’s legit and must be kept around to keep the Windows 10 Recycle Bin working as intended. I’m leaving one alone, and you probably should, too.


According to a variety of sources, the $SysReset folder is created only when a Reset or Refresh operation fails on a PC. Since I regularly mess around with system functions on this PC for research and learning purposes, I probably triggered it unintentionally at one time or another. It includes log files intended to help troubleshooting reset and refresh issues. I have none that I know of, so this one goes, too.

$Windows.~BT and $Windows.~WS

These folders are created during the upgrade process to support rollback if needed. I use image backups to roll back when necessary, so I don’t need these folders. I’m not sure why Disk Cleanup and/or Settings → Storage → Free Up Space hasn’t already removed them, but I have no qualms about doing this manually myself. I don’t need these folders, nor their contents. Besides, 1809 backup happened for me on October 5 at Build 17763.1, and no longer matches the official ISO build source 17763.134. I don’t even want this stuff. Out it goes!

Say Bye to those Dollar Files

In an administrative Command Prompt session within PowerShell, I’ll use the rd (remove directory) command with /s (recurse directories) and /q (quiet, ignore error messages) to tackle these items. Here goes:

As I entered these commands inside the PowerShell/Cmd window, I watched the corresponding folders disappear in Explorer. Cool!

All taken care of. If it worked for me, it will also work for you. Say G’bye now!

Virtual Desktop