Health Choice Network Adopts Epic EHR to Improve Data Access

Health Choice Network will implement Epic EHR software to improve data access for its community health centers and safety-net providers.

Health Choice Network (HCN) has announced a partnership with EHR vendor Epic to improve data access and expand health information portfolios for its network of health centers.

The Miami-based network serves over 2.6 million patients in more than 16 states through its community health center and safety-net provider partners. The organization has invested $400 million to integrate Epic’s EHR software in its health centers, making it the largest EHR investment from a health center, according to the press release.

Following the integration, HCN health centers will have access to primary care, behavioral health, specialty care, oral health, population health, and pharmacy EHR data.

“The HCN Board of Directors’ vision has always included an integrated model for quality health care for all,” Alejandro Romillo, president and chief executive officer of Health Choice Network, stated in the press release. “Our partnership with Epic now allows the technology to finally catch up to the goals established over 27 years ago at Health Choice Network and our affiliated organizations and partners.”

Health Choice Network and its partners will gain access to an integrated system that is meant to simplify and improve patient care experience, the organization said.

The model aims to improve outpatient care delivery with the help of HCN’s hospital, managed care, and quality improvement partners. HCN said it expects the EHR integration will improve reimbursement, and increase quality, productivity, and digital health solutions, as well.

In addition to EHR capabilities, the partnership with Epic will provide the health centers with a return on investment strategy for the network’s integrated platform.

The more organizations that join Health Choice Network, the higher the savings will be, according to the strategy. The network hopes that this model will help remove adoption barriers, including training costs, one-time costs, and implementation costs while partnering with local health centers.

Providers and organizations that are part of Health Choice Network have access to data and clinical research studies, time and financial management support, and tools to predict infrastructure needs in order to curb backend operation costs.

HCN’s health center network consists of accountable care organizations and value-based care models that strive to improve patient outcomes.

Epic Systems is the most widely used EHR software in the country, the press release indicated.

Walmart Health recently adopted the Epic EHR system to improve access to medical records across its health centers.

Palm Beach County in Florida also implemented Epic EHR to improve interoperability between primary care clinics and rural hospitals

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