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November, 2017, Vol. 16, No. 9

Cloud storage adoption decisions weigh capacity and cost

You probably aren't surprised to hear cloud storage adoption is steadily increasing, but there's a good chance that it's growing faster than you expected. According to a 2017 study of senior business executives by Teradata, more than half of business-critical data will find a home in cloud storage by 2019, including 56% of IT, 53% customer and 51% financial data. TechTarget Research showed that 23% of businesses rely on cloud storage for more than half of their total data storage capacity, and 93% said they're storing some data in the cloud. Nearly a third of respondents have turned to the cloud for off-premises cloud storage services, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3); 21% for enterprise file sync and share; and 13% for off-premises, cloud-based backup as a service. The amount of data stored in the cloud varies greatly. The average total cloud storage capacity purchased by respondents was 375 TB -- with 6.5% buying more than a petabyte. Seventy percent added less than 50 TB, and 51% actually bought less than 10 TB. ...

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