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IT migration success hinges on minimizing downtime

This article is part of the Storage issue of October 2018, Vol. 17, No. 7
Migration in the world of IT comes in many forms and levels of complexity. At its most basic, it involves migrating or updating data, software or hardware -- or some combination of the three -- from one operating environment to, presumably, a better environment. You could move programs and software to a new or upgraded system or IT resources to a different software platform or hardware infrastructure with an IT migration project. Or maybe transfer data from one database type to another or between storage arrays, servers or formats. Or, perhaps, migration entails moving an application from an on-premises enterprise server or some other aspect of your IT infrastructure to the cloud or between cloud services. In scope, migrations range from small projects that encompass moving a single application or system to large-scale migrations that comprise new applications, reconfigured or upgraded networks and many systems and servers. These examples merely scratch the surface of what IT migration could entail. But whatever the type of ...
Features in this issue
Improve infrastructure performance with these compute and data tips
Perpetual hunger for better and faster application performance often requires reducing latency by either moving the data to the compute or the compute to the data, but which one?
IT migration success hinges on minimizing downtime
Data, software and hardware migration projects should, but don't always, fully exploit the features and settings of the new environment and minimize application downtime.
News in this issue
Yes, a true private cloud can now be built
Forget everything you've heard about private cloud storage and start over with a true set of building blocks designed to let you create a public cloud-like infrastructure.
Columns in this issue
StorOne storage is set to disrupt the software-defined market
StorOne's TRU Storage technology raises the bar for software-defined storage by gathering together universal pools of storage across disparate hardware that any workload can use.
Maximize cloud storage benefits with cloud-native data
A cloud storage strategy must acknowledge that storage is but one part of cloud use and involves storage and compute, as well as data that's accessible to all cloud resources.