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Yes, a true private cloud can now be built

This article is part of the Storage issue of October 2018, Vol. 17, No. 7
We've heard a lot of talk about the private cloud over the past decade, but do we really know what it is? You know a public cloud when you see one: It's storage and services owned and run by the likes of Amazon, Google and Microsoft. In the 10 years or so since the public cloud has become a viable option for IT organizations, many attempts have been made to build private clouds on premises. But while public clouds are similar at their core, almost all private clouds are different. That makes it hard to identify -- let alone manage -- a true private cloud inside your data center. IT vendors have tried to persuade customers they can sell them cloud building blocks to implement on premises, and vendors say they can even manage them for customers. But what were they selling? Lots of virtualization and multi-tenancy, but other public cloud features, such as elasticity and buy-as-you-go pricing, have been largely missing. What had been billed as private clouds weren't true private clouds; they were mostly traditional data center ...
Features in this issue
Improve infrastructure performance with these compute and data tips
Perpetual hunger for better and faster application performance often requires reducing latency by either moving the data to the compute or the compute to the data, but which one?
IT migration success hinges on minimizing downtime
Data, software and hardware migration projects should, but don't always, fully exploit the features and settings of the new environment and minimize application downtime.
News in this issue
Yes, a true private cloud can now be built
Forget everything you've heard about private cloud storage and start over with a true set of building blocks designed to let you create a public cloud-like infrastructure.
Columns in this issue
StorOne storage is set to disrupt the software-defined market
StorOne's TRU Storage technology raises the bar for software-defined storage by gathering together universal pools of storage across disparate hardware that any workload can use.
Maximize cloud storage benefits with cloud-native data
A cloud storage strategy must acknowledge that storage is but one part of cloud use and involves storage and compute, as well as data that's accessible to all cloud resources.