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Cloud survey uncovers seven storage services trends


Top cloud storage apps include backup and collaboration

Source:  TechTarget Graphic: Brian Linnehan/TechTarget

Backup is the most mature of the various cloud storage apps, so it's no surprise that 64% of those surveyed use cloud-based data protection services -- the highest number reported to date -- and another 18% plan to join those ranks soon.

With the proliferation of highly mobile computing devices such as smartphones and tablets, cloud-based file sync-and-share services are receiving a lot of attention and use, with 59% noting that they're tapping into those services to make files more accessible and to enhance collaboration.

Nearly half (48%) of the responding companies use a cloud storage app for disaster recovery (DR), making it the third-most popular cloud storage application. Cloud-based DR is potentially a killer app for cloud storage, as it makes it possible to spin up virtual servers and recover in the cloud for very inexpensive business continuity protection. Last spring, 36% of respondents said they use cloud DR storage services, so this survey's 12-point rise might be an indication that this cloud storage app is catching on.

In addition, cloud archiving saw a significant jump in users from 34% in the spring to the current survey’s 47%. Archiving is frequently cited as an ideal application for cloud storage.

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