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June 2016

Blockchain GRC: The innovation and regulatory balance

Blockchain technology, a distributed ledger that underpins cryptocurrencies, has become a huge factor the financial services space as virtual currencies such as bitcoin have become increasingly popular. The rise of blockchain could radically change how monetary transactions are conducted all over the globe, causing major disruptions for the finance industry. And as with anything to do with the exchange of money, the rise of blockchain is raising compliance and cybersecurity questions both for corporations and the consumers they serve. In this handbook, learn about these calls to regulate the exchange of virtual currencies, and why some are concerned these rules could hinder blockchain technologies' innovative traits that benefit industries far beyond the financial field.

About The Author

Ben Cole - Executive Editor

Ben Cole is executive editor, overseeing SearchBusinessAnalytics...Read More

Table Of Contents

  • Blockchain compliance
  • Capitalizing on virtual currencies
  • Blockchain risk, security questions
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