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Windows 10 1909 Works Well

Here’s a tale of two PCs here at Chez Tittel. One’s my production desktop, the other’s a new laptop (a Lenovo X390 Yoga I got for the boss on Black Friday). Both show similar Reliability Monitor traces. And both let me assert that Windows 10 1909 works well. Take a look at these two traces, each of which shows the same thing.  First, there’s only a single error in the recent monitoring period. Second, each shows current maxed-out values in Reliability  Monitor. That’s a first for me, over the past 4-plus years running Windows 10.

Of the errors showing (selected in each trace), each originates from Microsoft itself. Top: Lenovo X390 Yoga; Bottom: homebrew desktop.
[Click either image for full-sized view.]

Why Say: Windows 10 1909 Works Well?

Simply put, I’ve had little or no serious difficulty with the OS since upgrading last Fall on any of the half-dozen machines it’s running on here. What issues have come up have been easy to diagnose and fix, without requiring too much time to research or repair. Even the Insider Previews (though more subject to development quirks and vicissitudes) are pretty darn stable as well. I can remember periods when driver issues were more likely (and sometimes chronic). I can also remember when running System File Checker (SFC) or DISM to effect image or file repairs was part of the routine after certain updates or upgrades. That’s certainly not the case recently, or right now.

What’s It All Mean?

I saw a fascinating article in The Verge last week. Entitled “Microsoft’s CEO looks to a future beyond Windows, iOS, and Android,” it explains how MS is preparing for a huge jump in the endpoints it services through Azure in the cloud. It talks about Windows with roughly 1 billion endpoints, iOS with a similar number, and Android with 2 billion endpoints (actually Statista puts the number of global smartphone users at just under 4 billion, so Nadella’s iOS+Android numbers are a little low). And then it talks about 46 billion IoT endpoints by the mid-2020s. That’s where the real action is, for the market at large and Microsoft in particular. Basically, they’re getting their Windows act together so they can go after the biggest school of fish — namely, IoT. It definitely puts Windows into perspective, anyway.

Virtual Desktop