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Environment variables: Should they be considered harmful?

Outside of command line tutorials for Linux, the term “environment variable” increasingly appears right next to “security vulnerability.” Consider Shellshock — one of the worst exploitable flaws ever — which requires little more work than attaching malicious code onto an environment variable. More recently, the httpoxy vulnerability also leverages access through the HTTP_PROXY environment variable.

Are environment variables for suckers? Do we even need them anymore? Can we afford them?

SearchSecurity asked several experts whether it might be time to ditch environment variables, given that they enable vulnerabilities like Shellshock and httpoxy, or whether there are benefits to keeping them on hand.

“Environment variables are an essential part of how things run under unix/linux systems,” explained John Bambenek, manager of threat systems at Fidelis Cybersecurity in Waltham, Mass. Many environment variables are innocuous — for example, the PATH environment variable lists the directories in which the shell looks for binaries when a command is entered at the command line.

However, Bambenek said, “The problem is allowing the open internet to modify environment variables of significance — like HTTP_PROXY — that have real impact on those running applications. Accepting unauthenticated input from the world is always a very dangerous thing, reading that data into an environment variable that has real impact on the system is extremely dangerous,” and that’s what happened with the httpoxy vulnerability.

“I’m not sure how we do things without environment variables,” said Jacob Williams, founder of consulting firm Rendition InfoSec LLC, in Augusta, Ga. “They are a source of vulnerabilities, but not having them creates a whole new class of problems we’ll have to account for in the long run.  I don’t know what the solution will be, but it will also create new vulnerabilities. It’s not the variables themselves, it’s the insecure use of the variables that creates problems.”

Deciding on whether it’s time to stop using environment variables depends on where they are used, according to Bill Berutti, president, performance & analytics and cloud management/data center automation, at business service management software firm BMC, based in Houston.

“For an enterprise application, it is always a good practice to pass on variables for the session of the process and not set in the environmental variables. This is a much better approach,” Berutti explained. “Nevertheless, environmental variables are useful in case of test/stage applications where there are a lot of clone applications being run on the same box to test out applications in parallel and/or it’s something standardized for all the applications running on that node.”

“There is nothing inherently wrong with environmental variables,” said Christopher Robinson, manager at Red Hat’s product security program management. Cloud services, for example, often use environment variables to distribute configuration data, though Robinson warned “programmers should always be cautious as to what data their programs accept and use for subsequent processing/directives.”

There’s no real security benefit to using environment variables, according to Lane Thames, security researcher at Tripwire Vulnerability and Exposures Research Team (VERT). “Regardless of where the data comes from (environment variable, database query, et cetera), it is up to the application that uses the data in the variables to ensure correctness and compliance.”

“I don’t know that we can without boiling the ocean,” said Dominic Scheirlinck, principal engineer at Auckland, New Zealand e-commerce firm Vend. “They’re in every new [platform as a service] and [continuous integration] system because they work well for simple, easy-to-use configuration.”

Scheirlinck, who is also the lead for the httpoxy disclosure team, added “I think it’s more likely that we should be much more careful, in the future, about accepting specs,” like the common gateway interface (CGI) specification, “that allow environment variables to be controlled by remote users.”