Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Learn to apply best practices and optimize your operations.
Use elicitation techniques to discover software requirements
Discovering project requirements can be challenging. An expert offers elicitation techniques you can use to discover business and software requirements. Continue Reading
Secure testing: Making software safe
Software technology has impacted nearly everyone everywhere with the intention of improving lifestyles. However, when crucial security steps aren't being met, these technologies can take a catastrophic turn. To avoid hacking and other security ... Continue Reading
What modern test manager responsibilities entail
What does a test manager do? That's not the easiest question to answer, as responsibilities vary. Expert Matt Heusser explains the crux of the role and provides some tips as well. Continue Reading
What is the DevOps role for operations people?
In a DevOps world, it can be hard to know where Dev ends and Ops starts. Expert Tim Western explains what the various DevOps roles can and should be. Continue Reading
Master interrupt testing on mobile devices
Since mobile devices were made to be interrupted, the challenge is to create -- and test -- an app that rolls with it all. Yvette Francino explains how interrupt testing works. Continue Reading
Corporate culture influences selection of best ALM tools
In today's fast-paced world, there's less time to develop an application, never mind testing it and keeping track of all the iterations. Application lifecycle management software can help companies stay on top of the insanity, particularly when it ...Continue Reading
Three traits of a mature Agile team
What it takes to have successful mobile project development might surprise you. Expert Jennifer Lent shares the secrets around creating a mature Agile team.Continue Reading
Can time management improve productivity of QA testers?
Despite what you might think, time management is possible. Expert Amy Reichert explains how QA testers can stop procrastinating and take charge of their lives.Continue Reading
Application lifecycle management tools finesse app development
Software development teams in highly competitive marketplaces are constantly under pressure from their companies to be the first to market with the latest and greatest application. That's easier said than done. To streamline the product development ...Continue Reading
Product owners don't have time to write Agile user stories? You write them.
If the product owner won't or can't write the vital Agile user stories, expert Ben Linders explains how to take on this project yourself.Continue Reading
Virtual worlds used as business collaboration tools
Consider virtual worlds as legitimate business collaboration tools. Not only might you save travel money, you might spur team creativity and innovation.Continue Reading
Find the right recipe for mobile business apps
Consumerization is driving changes in IT. Creating mobile business apps is a top concern for many companies. Developing these applications quickly, while ensuring high quality, is an enormous task for testers and project managers. Half-baked or ...Continue Reading
What you need to know about the ALM methodology
Gerie Owen provides an overview of ALM methodology, covering its requirements, development and maintenance phases and its core components.Continue Reading
Define project scope in terms of time, money and quality
We all want our projects to be on budget, on time and of high quality, but not necessarily in that order. What is your advice for balancing these needs?Continue Reading
Does a tester actually need test cases?
Discover whether or not test cases are necessary in this expert answer by consultant Robin Goldsmith.Continue Reading
Four principles for staying true to real Agile
Over time, software teams develop their own variants of Agile. Here's how to make sure your practice remains aligned with the spirit of Agile.Continue Reading
Test software with persona-based requirements
Do persona-based requirements make it easier to test software? Learn if there are tools designed to make testing software easier.Continue Reading
How QA testers participate in the requirements definition process
Learn how QA testers should participate in the requirements definition process in this expert response.Continue Reading
How do requirements relate to acceptance criteria?
Requirements and acceptance criteria often seem to be essentially the same thing, but that's not quite true.Continue Reading
App Quality Alliance compiles mobile testing criteria talks to Martin Wrigley of the App Quality Alliance about smart practices and testing criteria for mobile app developers.Continue Reading
Agile testing methods for multiple teams
Learn the latest Agile testing methods for converting multiple teams from a traditional process to Agile.Continue Reading
How to resolve team conflict
Arguing team members can derail a project. Project managers can help resolve the issue by finding its root cause.Continue Reading
When tracking defects, make efficiency the end goal
Tracking defects can benefit the development team if done for the right reasons. Explore the reasons to track defects in this expert response.Continue Reading
Proactive additions shore up forms-based authentication
How can we best prevent hacking and user account lock out in Web applications with forms-based authentication?Continue Reading
Agile application lifecycle management is not an oxymoron
Learn how Agile application lifecycle management supports the development process for better software and business needs.Continue Reading
All about Agile and ALM
When it comes to deployment strategies, mobile app capabilities, cloud computing issues and security, there's a lot to learn about Agile ALM.Continue Reading
Agile project management: Increasing business agility with Agile ALM
Increase business agility capabilities with Agile project management. Find tips and tools for Agile ALM best practices.Continue Reading
Agile ALM tools have pitfalls to acknowledge
While venders only discuss the benefits of using Agile ALM tools, test expert Amy Reichert reveals the possible pitfalls.Continue Reading
Agile and ALM: A marriage made in heaven?
Learn why developing Agile and ALM can benefit organizational processes.Continue Reading
How Agile ALM tools shape business agility
Learn how Agile ALM tools can increase agility in businesses.Continue Reading
Guiding principles for an automated software test
An expert in automated software testing offers guiding principles for succeeding at this most challenging of QA projects.Continue Reading
SaaS application testing: Keep performance tests in mind
Performance testing must be a high priority for SaaS application testers. Learn why and pick up tips on how to test a SaaS system's performance.Continue Reading
Scrum project management: Estimating with story points
Scrum project management expert Yvette Francino explains how teams use story points to estimate effort involved in developing a particular feature.Continue Reading
Mobile apps development: Defining requirements is a whole new ballgame
Software pros must address three critical issues in the requirements phase of mobile apps development: choosing a platform, security and usability.Continue Reading
How to measure test progress: Every picture tells a story
Seeing the big picture when it comes managing the progress of your software tests may require putting together all the little picture pieces.Continue Reading
Agile project management using the Cynefin framework
Learn how the Cynefin framework facilitates problem solving, Agile project management and teamwork.Continue Reading
Security testing for unvalidated redirects and forwards
Security expert John Overbaugh gives security testers the information they need in order to ensure the Web application code that they’re responsible for is protected.Continue Reading
Streamlining user acceptance testing (UAT) with Agile
Organizations that implement successful user acceptance testing can greatly reduce errors and business risks.Continue Reading
Agile testing quadrants: Guiding managers and teams in test strategies
Agile expert Lisa Crispin explains the four Agile testing quadrants and how they can guide managers and development teams in creating a test strategy.Continue Reading
Software development bugs: How to identify and prevent them
With strong Agile practices such as unit testing, code reviews and proper attention to requirements, bugs can be prevented or found early in the application lifecycle.Continue Reading
Defect tracking: Lean principles for getting the right data at the right time
In this tip, author Paul E. McMahon describes how Lean principles can be used to help determine when defect tracking is appropriate for your organization and what type of data is important to collect.Continue Reading
The whole-team approach to Agile development: Examples and benefits
Lisa Crispin continues in this second tip in the series by giving real-life examples and benefits gained from practicing the whole-team approach on Agile development teams.Continue Reading
Agile software development: Tips for writing testable user stories
Testing pressures are always high on Agile projects. In this article we explore some of the ways adding clarity to stories can help make testing easier for all parties involved.Continue Reading
Tools and techniques for tracking changes to software requirements
In this tip, requirements expert Sue Burk explains different techniques and tools that can be used to track changes to the requirement itself as well as changes to the attributes of the requirement.Continue Reading
Regression vs. risk-based testing: Managing complexity
In this tip, consultant Vasudeva Naidu describes in detail the steps necessary to implement risk-based testing in your organization to ensure your regression test strategy is solid and successful.Continue Reading
Managing change requests to your application
In this tip, we look at end user requests, and the process to prioritize the requests for IT, so they know where to focus their work efforts.Continue Reading
Application security: Protecting application availability, data confidentiality and integrity
Network security and application security are both important in keeping your applications safe from hackers. In this tip, security engineer John Overbaugh focuses on application security, which is needed to protect the confidentiality, availability ...Continue Reading
Embedded software testing: Five messaging event styles
In testing embedded systems, timing can often cause trouble. In this tip, consultant Scott Allman describes the five different types of event styles that can occur when two events are executed. A good test plan will cover each of those event styles ...Continue Reading
Manual testing vs. automated testing: A decision point
Automation in a test environment can be expensive and doesn’t always yield a high return. In fact, a high percentage of automation efforts fail. In this tip, Vasudeva Naidu gives advice on key factors that will lead to success in your automation ...Continue Reading
Waterfall vs. Agile development: A case study
Two projects very similar in scope were executed by the same project team for the same users. The first project used a waterfall methodology and resulted in missed deadlines and failure to deliver user requirements. The second used an Agile ...Continue Reading
Agile ALM tools: How they differ from traditional lifecycle management tools
Software consultant Nari Kannan describes the differences between agile application lifecycle management (ALM) tools and traditional lifecycle management software. Agile ALM tools are more tightly integrated, easier to use, supportive to distributed...Continue Reading
Specialized testing for your enterprise application
In this tip, Judith Myerson describes examples of five types of testing for your enterprise applications: cloud testing, user acceptance testing, modular testing, agile testing and incremental testing. Myerson gives a brief overview of each type of ...Continue Reading
Eight steps for a successful software release
Have you done everything to prepare for a successful software release? Software project manager Kay Diller describes eight things you can do to ensure your deployment will go smoothly. From creating your team to being prepared with a back-out plan, ...Continue Reading
Applying lean concepts to software testing
If we're going to use a factory analogy for software development, shouldn't we at least study the techniques modern factories use? In this tip, software quality expert Matt Heusser describes concepts used first for lean manufacturing, which are now ...Continue Reading
What is a test case? What is a requirement?
After exploring the definition of a test case by surveying test experts, authors and students, consultant Robin Goldsmith learns that interpretations remain ambiguous and varied. Similarly, the level of detail thought to be needed to define ...Continue Reading
Strategies for minimizing regression defects
Regression defects, those unexpected defects that result from a fix of another defect, are often the most challenging to find and fix. Expert John Overbaugh describes why these defects are so challenging and offers up techniques, such as automation...Continue Reading
The importance of critical thinking in software test
Even though there are numerous definitions for the term "software testing," there is common ground. Testers need to use critical thinking skills when diving into the testing of a software application. In this tip, expert Chris McMahon explains ways ...Continue Reading
Six tours for exploratory testing the business district of your application
Exploratory testing is sometimes thought to be "directionless testing", but James Whitaker's new book suggests that exploratory testing, is more structured than it is credited for. Exploratory testing is filled with numerous tours or testing ...Continue Reading
A software expert's heuristic for regression testing
Often, regression testing is what stands between a product in a test lab versus a product in the hands of our users – so we don't want to take longer than we need – but we don't want to haphazardly release a product before its ready.Continue Reading
Using Fist of Five, Planning Poker to reach Agile team consensus
In these tips, consensus-building tools such as Fist of Five and Planning Poker are introduced. Even when these tools are used, the team must decide how they are going to handle a stale-mate condition and move forward on decisions.Continue Reading
Why use POST vs. GET to keep applications secure
Although POST and GET HTTP requests essentially perform the same command on a Web server, a security expert says there are inherent dangers in using one over the other. Learn why one type of processing request provides more security for your Web ...Continue Reading
Nine ways to evaluate automated software testing tools
Evaluate automated software testing tools more thoroughly with these tips for analyzing cost, support, total cost of ownership, usability and more. This tip suggests questions to ask about each attribute of a tool and a vendor's support for it.Continue Reading
Calculating mean time to failure in performance testing
Calculating MTTF (mean time to failure) can be a difficult for testers in order to develop a performance test pass as there are multiple steps. This expert tip will guide you through process,Continue Reading
Defining report requirements with use cases
This tip offers a new and interesting way to go about defining and reporting requirements for use cases. There are a number of details that need to be attended to in defining requirements such as taking a look at users and then constructing use ...Continue Reading
How requirements use cases facilitate the SDLC
Learn software use case processes and techniques that result in better application requirements in this tip. Takeaways include use case diagrams and user acceptance test case examples.Continue Reading
Adaptation in project management through agile
Project managers often focus on following the test plan versus agile leaders who expect change and are prepared to adapt on the fly, learn how to transition quicly in this chapter from Agile Project Management by Jim HighsmithContinue Reading
Expert shows seven ways to improve your project management abilities
Project management offices can benefit when the team has a diverse portfolio of skills. Learn how to become a better project manager by reading these seven suggestions, which range from developing talents and group leaders to better assessing ...Continue Reading
Defining requirements during software project feasibility analysis
There are at least two key points in a software project when requirements should be defined. One point people often miss is during feasibility analysis, and failure to define requirements at this stage can doom a project.Continue Reading
Web application security testing checklist
Testing your Web application security is something that needs be taken seriously. The best way to be successful is to prepare in advance and know what to look for. Here's an essential elements checklist to help you get the most out of your Web ...Continue Reading
How to avoid requirements creep
Despite all the attention placed on defining requirements, creep continues to plague software projects. Learn how a different approach to requirements can curtail that creep.Continue Reading
Using proactive test design methods to catch requirements issues early
Proactive test design allows QA testers to identify requirements and design problems at an earlier stage than with traditional test cases.Continue Reading
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, Chapter 1 -- What Is Clean Code?
Agile software development calls on developers to write clean code, according to Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin. This free chapter introduces the concepts and methods programmers can adopt to write truly clean code.Continue Reading
Software testers: Identity crisis or delusions of grandeur?
Without a clear understanding of what software testers do, it's only natural that people try to interpret what they do from their job title. The problem is the number of different titles people have creates confusion, says Scott Barber.Continue Reading
Testing for performance, part 1: Assess the problem space
In the first article of this series on testing for performance, Mike Kelly outlines ways for you to understand your content and the system and figure out where to start testing.Continue Reading
Testers' involvement in requirements gathering important
In this increasingly complex software development era, it is important to include testing as early in the project as possible. And that means starting with requirements gathering.Continue Reading
The state of performance testing
Some might say 2007 was the year the software industry started taking performance testing seriously. In this month's Peak Performance column, Scott Barber takes a look at what happened in the performance testing field in 2007 that made that so, and ...Continue Reading
How to define the scope of functional security testing
With a many internal threats originating from applications, functional security testing is one of the most reliable ways to identify internal security vulnerabilities.Continue Reading
Five steps for performing an effective software product review
Review or inspection is an important activity in any project implementation. Performing a good review of the developed product, along with capturing metrics, helps in building a quality product. In this member-submitted article, Murugan Srinivasa ...Continue Reading
How to write an effective test report
This member-submitted tip provides a guideline for essential information that should be included in a test report.Continue Reading
Don't mistake user acceptance testing for acceptance testing
Despite the many references that concur on the definition of acceptance testing, people still get confused. Scott Barber clarifies things in this month's Peak Performance column.Continue Reading
Who does what in a Testing Center of Excellence?
With a Testing Center of Excellence (TCE) an organization can improve its software testing. Learn how and what each TCE participant does in this article from David W. JohnsonContinue Reading
What to look for in a Web application security testing tool
If you do a lot of Web application security scanning, any testing tool you use must have these features, says security expert Kevin Beaver. They will save you lots of time and effort and will increase the number of valid vulnerabilities found.Continue Reading
How to test Web site login security
Input validation is critical for the security of Web sites. Here's a techniques you can use to make sure your site isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.Continue Reading
Software testing deliverables: From test plans to status reports
Core sets of deliverable are required for any software testing phase. In many cases they include a test plan, test case, defect documentation and status report. Learn what is required for each in this tip from David W. Johnson.Continue Reading
How to document system, software requirements
There are various formats you can use to document system and software requirements. However, no single one is sufficient to represent all requirements. You need to follow an integrated approach.Continue Reading
The role of a software test manager
Effective software test managers not only understand the discipline of testing, but they are also able to manage and implement a testing process in their organizations. That requires team leading skills, communication skills, and being able to ...Continue Reading
Software requirements: Using models to understand users' needs
Successful software projects involve users early and often to explore and reach closure on requirements. Using analysis models you can depict user needs with a combination of diagrams and structure text such as tables or templated text.Continue Reading
I don't want a Web application security product; I want a solution
The number of Web application security products available is enough to make your head spin. A better option is a total solution that handles all of your Web application security needs, says application security expert Anurag Agarwal.Continue Reading