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April 2017, Vol. 16, No. 2

Flash, cloud top data storage options for storage pros

Around the start of the decade, forward-thinking storage experts predicted flash and cloud would eventually become the dominant storage tiers. Those predictions of popular data storage options appear on target, according to TechTarget's 2017 IT Priorities survey. The survey included 201 respondents who said that storage or backup and disaster recovery were areas where they devote most of their time. Nearly half of each group called the cloud a main priority. The 48% who picked cloud backup as a priority put that at the top of the secondary to-do list. Cloud storage also showed up on 48% of respondents' priority list for primary storage, eclipsed only by the combination of all-flash arrays (31%) and solid-state storage (30%). Cloud picks up steam When they think about data storage options, many more storage pros have their heads in the clouds than a year ago. In 2016, 37% of respondents said they would deploy the cloud for primary storage and only 24% claimed they would deploy cloud backup. Cloud backup showed up as a 2017 ...

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