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Evolution of storage technology ending one-size-fits-all approach

This article is part of the Storage issue of May 2017, Vol. 16, No. 3
It seems like storage is all over the place these days, in every sense of each of those words. It only took the world at large a couple of decades to realize the critical role storage plays in everything. And now, that newfound appreciation has generated a lot more interest in data storage and infrastructure in general, which has -- in turn -- helped launch a raft of new ideas and approaches to storage technology. Today, the evolution of storage technology has created more alternative architectures for storing data than ever. Sci-fi storage on the horizon Even the medium on which data is stored is in play now, mirroring the kind of research and product development activity that proliferated in the early days of tape and HDDs. And it's not just the flash vs. hard drive battle that has become a prominent refrain in the vendor-hype soundtrack that gets played and replayed in data centers. It's an even more granular rethinking of how data should be stored, like the well-publicized tests where data has been stored on DNA. That's ...
Features in this issue
Is an all-flash data center worth it?
The elevated cost of flash technology is a reason to limit flash usage. Find out what other factors go into a flash purchase and how it's used in today's data centers.
Scalability drives SAN market growth
Better performing, more scalable and capacious storage area networks are required for ever-growing amounts of unstructured data, demanding applications and big data analytics.
Use the cloud to enhance the functions of primary storage
Learn some of the best ways to leverage public cloud as a storage tier to complement primary storage and make data centers more efficient.
Columns in this issue
Evolution of storage technology ending one-size-fits-all approach
Some storage vendors want you to think that one type of storage will work for all scenarios and enterprises. Thanks to changes in storage technology that's not always the case.
Symbolic IO IRIS a breakthrough in server, storage architecture
Intensified RAM Intelligent Server from newcomer Symbolic IO questions fundamental and often unstated foundations of contemporary server and storage design.