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October 2017, Vol. 16, No. 8

Open source technology promises to alter enterprise storage

Open source software has been a serious force for good in driving forward a collaborative, community-based software development model. The most obvious example of this is the development of Linux, various distributions of which have been adopted as the cloud operating system of choice and the go-to platform for modern application developers. Higher up the stack, we see the same ethos applied to containerization in the form of Docker and a host of database platforms for structured SQL, NoSQL and analytics uses. But what about storage? Has the evolution of open software development passed storage by, or are there options available for those who want to implement open source in storage? Open source technology defined First, let's explain what we mean by open source. By definition, it implies that a product's source code is freely open to be accessed and read by anyone. The scope is much wider than that, however, with most open source technology projects making code available under the terms of a license. The license determines how ...

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