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December 2017, Vol. 16, No. 10

Four rules to craft an enterprise data archiving strategy

Reality can't be ignored. In most data centers, 80% or more of stored data hasn't been accessed in more than a year. Tighten that time frame up, and we find 95% of data has not been accessed in the last 90 days. That means the vast majority of data just sits on that expensive and speedy flash array you bought to serve active data. The problem is most IT professionals hesitate to take an aggressive step such as moving 95% of their data to a secondary storage tier. But the truth is, with proper design, IT can reach this goal with few complaints. Here are four basic rules that will get you on your way: Rule No. 1: Archive response can be almost as fast as primary Your enterprise data archiving strategy should rely on storage using high-capacity HDDs, assisted by deduplication and compression, to drive as much cost out of the archive storage tier as possible. While all those technologies could affect data recall performance, in most cases, a recall from a properly designed active archive is almost as fast as primary storage. That's ...

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