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Simplifying IoT using near field communication

At the NFC Forum, IoT and the innovation it enables using near field communication is an important focus. So much so that this year, in conjunction with our annual NFC Innovation Awards, we also held an event to highlight the progress of IoT in relation to NFC, the VISIONFC Simplifying IoT Summit.

The summit took a deep dive into the ways IoT is strengthening brands and delivering remarkable customer experiences with the help of NFC technology. With NFC, the integration of IoT for consumers and retailers is simplified. NFC provides an intuitive way for consumers to interact with objects connected to IoT simply by tapping a smartphone to an object, allowing the user to connect on their own terms. With a single tap, users will have access to an expected 36 billion IoT devices by 2020.

VISIONFC Simplifying IoT Summit: How NFC enables IoT

The highlights of the VISIONFC Simplifying IoT Summit were the presentations that described the ways NFC can help enable IoT. Speakers presented on topics from “The ways NFC can streamline the UX of connected objects” to “Smart packaging: Sensing, measuring, monitoring and informing” and everything in between, which gave our audience an understanding of how NFC combined with IoT benefits consumers and retailers. For all of the speakers and topics, view the VISIONFC Simplifying IoT Summit speaker presentations here.

NFC Innovation Award Winners featuring IoT


Source: NFC Forum

Following the summit, the NFC Forum hosted the second annual NFC Innovation Awards, where four winners were named in the categories best in-market implementation, best emerging concept, NFC for good” and people’s choice. Each of the winners presented innovations that truly displayed the bright future of IoT and how it will be integrated into a variety of different industries to benefit business and consumers. Winners of the night were as follows:

  • Best in-market implementation1TrueID SRL provides anticounterfeiting and traceability technology with the aim to become the first internet book of things. Its offering is the first secure digital identity enabler distributed in a social blockchain environment using technologies like NFC to enable IoT. (Italy)
  • Best emerging conceptIoTize SAS’s TapNLink Instant IoT for Embedded Systems uses NFC technology for on-site maintenance tasks, connecting equipment to smartphone-based user interfaces. IoTize’s work enables IoT in all devices by adding NFC capability to any existing items and electronic systems. (France)
  • NFC for good and people’s choice awardeWATERpay uses NFC technology to collect money and dispense water to create sustainable water systems in developing countries. By using NFC to enable an IoT dashboard, eWATERpay successfully provides live updates on usage and functionality of water sources. (UK)

IoT is undoubtedly becoming one of the most important technologies for manufacturers, retailers and consumers alike. With the abilities provided by NFC technology, IoT will be easily accessible for everyone and will redefine how users shop, travel, set up home environments, stay healthy and manage day-to-day life with just one tap.

All IoT Agenda network contributors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their posts. Opinions are of the writers and do not necessarily convey the thoughts of IoT Agenda.

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