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October 2018, Vol. 1, No. 4

In Kubernetes management, infrastructure work is tricky

Container use is on the rise, and Kubernetes has emerged as the primary management approach. But IT teams face challenges when they try to incorporate container management functions into applications. New technologies emerge in a manner similar to building a house. To get the structure in place, designers need blueprints and standard interfaces that ensure, for instance, that water runs when a person turns on a faucet. When they build containerized applications with Kubernetes, developers spend a lot of time on infrastructure grunt work, similar to putting in the plumbing. And there's growing consensus that there ought to be a better way to handle those Kubernetes management tasks. "Kubernetes is a great system for deploying and managing applications at scale, but it doesn't really do very much to help you build the application in the first place," said Brendan Burns, an original Kubernetes developer and an engineer at Microsoft. Digging into system infrastructure innards To connect different systems, programmers work with ...

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