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Cloud and containers rewrite monitoring and management rulebooks

This article is part of the Modern Stack issue of October 2018, Vol. 1, No. 4
After getting just a little taste of data center transformation success, an overly enthusiastic enterprise can rush off on a headlong, downhill race to eliminate as much IT data center cost as possible. And that can lead to trying multiple cloud services, experiments converging infrastructure and software stacks, and the adoption of DevOps-friendly technologies, such as containerization. Each of these can help force out burdensome Capex and provide increased agility. Still, I can't help but think that in this mad rush to deflate the data center maybe we lose sight of something important. Cloud and containers are grand and hold lots of promise, but often they simply don't arrive on scene with full enterprise management, battle-tested security or -- as we address here -- guaranteed ways to assure service levels. Keep an eye on the prize Convergence, cloud and containers are all hot technologies to be sure. The value they provide is increased abstraction between workloads and infrastructure. More abstraction is great for our new ...
Features in this issue
AI and machine learning take on cloud security woes
AI-infused technologies continue to target almost all aspects of cloud monitoring and management, including security. But don't assume they're a silver bullet.
DevOps metrics point to fast releases, open source adoption
You can always be better at DevOps. Assess these metrics from a variety of DevOps teams to see where you could stand to improve -- and give your team some positive reinforcement.
News in this issue
Quantum supremacy and the path to encryption chaos
Widespread use of quantum computing isn't as far into the future as some might think. When it arrives, this powerful computing technology could turn IT security upside down.
Columns in this issue
Invest in an IT infrastructure upgrade -- or keep fixing it
Because upgrades to infrastructure equipment can be expensive and difficult, the easier decision is to renew a support contract. But delay comes at a cost, too.
Cloud and containers rewrite monitoring and management rulebooks
IT performance management is tricky when it stretches as big as the public cloud and scrunches as small as a microservice. IT ops techniques must change to keep up.