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August 2021, Vol. 19, No. 2

SaaS data protection is a challenging but critical task

"The cloud is just someone else's computer." That's how Darryl Polk, chief innovation officer for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., put it when describing the need for SaaS data protection. Polk was speaking at the May VeeamON user conference, but those words and sentiment have been echoed across conferences and by data protection experts for many months. While SaaS providers -- such as Microsoft with its 365 line, Google with Workspace (formerly G Suite) and Salesforce with its CRM -- are responsible for their platforms, users are responsible for their data. Still, the issue remains: Not enough organizations back up their cloud-based SaaS data. A case study in point Now is as good a time as any to add or enhance SaaS data protection. Many organizations moved to the cloud or increased use of cloud-based platforms as a result of the pandemic and the ensuing work-from-home surge. When on-premises offices and data centers were not open for business, the cloud offered access and reliability, and it continues to do so. While SaaS...

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