PRO+ Premium Content/Make an Open Shift with Red Hat

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June 07, 2021

Transform your organization with containers

As technology advances, customer demand for digital services grows. To meet these expectations, many organizations are modernizing their IT environments with cloud-native infrastructure and approaches. Using emerging technologies and cultural innovation, organizations can deliver dynamic, personalized digital customer experiences while improving internal business practices. Successful modernization requires evolution in applications, processes, and infrastructure. New application architectures enable fast, flexible delivery of new features to accelerate business value. Agile business processes improve operational efficiency and speed response to changing market conditions. Cloud-based infrastructure allows organizations to better control costs and take advantage of emerging innovation. Containers are a key technology for IT modernization and optimization. Adopt containers with Red Hat and Microsoft Red Hat and Microsoft provide a production-ready, containerized environment with a hybrid cloud foundation. Shown in Figure 2, Red ...

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