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Reliability Monitor Error Info Propels Fixes

I’m in a long-running debate about Windows 10 reliability and stability right now. That’s why I’ve been using Reliability Monitor almost daily. This debate runs in a variety of threads at Often, I’ll answer questions about the new Feature Upgrade (aka 1903). Here are two typical items. 1. “Should I upgrade to the Windows 10 May 2019 Update?”  2. “Is 1903 stable enough for everyday use?” Long story short, this explains why I find system errors these days soon after they appear. In so doing, I found a great example of how Reliability Monitor error info propels fixes for such problems when they occur. Here’s a screencap of what I saw yesterday:

The drop in the stability index on 6/20 (far right) points at a critical error with “Defaults.” Hmmm. Never seen this one before!
[Click image for full-sized view.]

Before Reliability Monitor Error Info Propels Fixes, More Info Needed

Naturally I had to click “View technical details” to get more info about what was going on with those defaults, whatever they might be. This proved a great deal more helpful. Turns out the event was an APPCRASH. The offending executable identifies as CyberPower’s PowerPanel Personal app. It manages the USB connection between my PC and my CyberPower 1500AVR uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

My first reactions were “I haven’t updated the software and its drivers since I bought the new unit in late 2017. Wonder if something newer is available?” I checked the website, and sure enough there was. The local Version reads 2.1.2 but the current website version is 2.1.7. So naturally, I downloaded and installed the new one. I haven’t seen any issues since then. I’m hopeful the problem is resolved.

This Is What Reliability Monitor Is SUPPOSED to Do

Reliability Monitor is a great place to go looking for clues when systems misbehave. It’s good at finding hardware or communication issues. It’s great at flagging APPCRASH events, too — like my UPS boondoggle. You probably don’t need to look at it every day. But depending on your OCD level, once a week to once a month sounds about right. And of course, when problems do manifest on a Windows 10 PC, it should be one of the first places you check (along with Event Viewer) for evidence at the scene of the crime, as it were. It won’t always tell you what you need to know right away like it did for me this time. But it should at least let you know where errors are coming from, so you can start thinking about fixes, mitigations, or replacements.

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