Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) - Open Source Network Administration, Chapter 3

The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) is an open source tool used to monitor the traffic load on network links. In this chapter James Kretchmar tells us how MRTG produces Web pages containing PNG images, which provide a live visual representation of this traffic.

In Open Source Network Administration, MIT netadmin James M. Kretchmar presents an extraordinary collection of open source tools for streamlining and improving network management, monitoring, alerting, optimization, troubleshooting, and much more. Kretchmar provides detailed explanations, plus easy instructions for retrieval, installation from source, configuration, and usage. He covers SNMP, MRTG, Neo, Flow-Tools, Oak, Sysmon, Nagios, Tcpdump and much more -- even building your own tools with Perl. An indispensable resource for every network administrator.

This featured chapter describes the Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG). MRTG produces Web pages that display graphs of bandwidth use on network links on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly scales. This can be an invaluable tool for diagnosing network problems because it not only indicates the current status of the network but also lets you visually compare this with the history of network utilization.

Read the rest of the excerpt in this PDF.

Excerpted from Open Source Network Administration by James M. Kretchmar (ISBN: 0-13-046210-1). Copyright 2004, Prentice Hall PTR All rights reserved.

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