Black Hat

The latest from Black Hat USA 2024

Last updated:July 2024

Editor's note

Black Hat USA returns for its 27th year, covering the latest in infosec for technical experts, thought leaders, innovative vendors and cybersecurity pros.

The two-day main event will take place Aug. 7-8 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas and feature more than 100 sessions on a plethora of topics, from application security, cryptography and platform security to the latest hacks, attacks and defensive techniques. AI, generative AI and large language models will also be prominent.

Four days of specialized trainings Aug. 3-6 cover the latest in web application hacking, machine learning, social engineering attack mitigation, advanced malware traffic analysis and more. This year also marks two inaugural summits: Innovators & Investors Summit and AI Summit.

TechTarget Editorial will be on site to report from the conference. Check this guide regularly to stay up to date on the latest from Black Hat USA 2024.

1Pre-conference coverage for Black Hat 2024

Black Hat USA 2023 focused on the heavy-hitting topic of cybersecurity in the age of AI. Generative AI and large language models took the spotlight, with deep-diving sessions into their opportunities, protections, risks and vulnerabilities. Other perennial issues, including software security, also made appearances at the show.

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