V - Definitions

  • V

    virtual firewall

    A virtual firewall is a firewall device or service that provides network traffic filtering and monitoring for virtual machines (VMs) in a virtualized environment.

  • virtual local area network hopping (VLAN hopping)

    Virtual local area network hopping (VLAN hopping) is a method of attacking the network resources of a VLAN by sending packets to a port not usually accessible from an end system.

  • virus (computer virus)

    A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to a program or file. A virus can replicate and spread across an infected system and it often propagates to other systems, much like a biological virus spreads from host to host.

  • virus hoax

    A virus hoax is a false warning about a computer virus.

  • voice squatting

    Voice squatting is an attack vector for voice user interfaces, or VUIs, that exploits homonyms -- words that sound the same, but are spelled differently -- and input errors -- words that are mispronounced.

  • vulnerability assessment

    A vulnerability assessment is the process of defining, identifying, classifying and prioritizing vulnerabilities in computer systems, applications and network infrastructures.

  • vulnerability disclosure

    Vulnerability disclosure is the practice of reporting security flaws in computer software or hardware.

  • vulnerability management

    Vulnerability management is the process of identifying, assessing, remediating and mitigating security vulnerabilities in software and computer systems.

Enterprise Desktop
Cloud Computing