GDPR compliance requirements and how to best fulfill them

Last updated:March 2018

Editor's note

The European Union passed its General Data Protection Regulation legislation in April 2014, and it goes into effect in May 2018. GDPR creates a variety of regulations designed to make businesses more transparent and to expand the privacy and other rights of data subjects. GDPR compliance requirements include new data breach notification rules and also protects individuals' right to be forgotten, among other things.

Considering significant fines to be imposed on violators, U.S. companies literally can't afford to assume the European divisions of their businesses are too small to worry about. This guide explains GDPR compliance requirements and related penalties and what GDPR means for U.S. companies. This collection of GDPR guidance delivers a comprehensive picture of the aims of the GDPR, how it needs to be implemented, and covers the implications for U.S. businesses.

1Learn where to focus your GDPR-compliance efforts

End-user data privacy and protection are a key focus on the new GDPR compliance requirements. Be sure you focus on the key areas that GDPR compliance covers, including data tracking, breach notification and more.

2GDPR compliance requirements

The EU's GDPR requirements including key deadlines that companies need to be able to meet, including a far tighter deadline on breach notifications than many U.S. companies are used to. Get up to speed on how where the ticking clocks are in the GDPR regulations.

3In meeting GDPR compliance requirements, vendors can help

Vendors are a key ally for U.S. companies facing the need to comply with GDPR. In this section learn how major IT vendors are responding to the new GDPR compliance requirements.

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