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May 2019, Vol. 20, No. 2

Huawei ban highlights 5G security issues CISOs must tackle

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. brought the battle over U.S. security concerns to the American courts in early March 2019, as the China-based tech giant filed suit alleging that the U.S. government's restrictions on buying its goods is unconstitutional. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Plano, Texas, takes aim at the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which prohibits federal agencies and contractors from buying equipment from Huawei as well as several other Chinese firms. U.S. officials assert that the Chinese company poses a national security threat, which is why they instituted the Huawei ban. In March 2019, a British government watchdog group found exploitable "defects" in Huawei's software and security. Huawei denied the allegations both publicly and in its lawsuit. Huawei's lawsuit is the latest move in a growing international dispute that has the potential to affect the future of 5G worldwide, the technology strategies of enterprises around the globe and the security posture of organizations using Huawei ...

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