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WebAssembly updates may cancel out Meltdown and Spectre fixes

News roundup: Upcoming WebAssembly updates may undo the Meltdown and Spectre mitigations. Plus, FireEye denied claims it 'hacked back' China, and more.

Impending WebAssembly updates may render mitigations for the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities ineffective.

According to John Bergbom, Forcepoint Security Labs' senior security researcher, once the WebAssembly updates go through the mitigations for Meltdown and Spectre that were put in place by web browsers will no longer work.

The WebAssembly, or Wasm, standard was released in March 2017 and is a compact binary language meant to improve the speed of delivery and performance of JavaScript code. Currently, all major browsers -- including Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari -- support WebAssembly. One of the benefits of WebAssembly is that programs written in languages such as C and C++ can be compiled into it and run inside the browser.

An unintended consequence of WebAssembly is that there are some potential abuses of the standard. One of these, according to Forcepoint, is the exploitation of hardware bugs, including the CPU vulnerabilities Meltdown and Spectre, which were discovered in January 2018.

"This family of CPU vulnerabilities was mitigated in browsers by lowering the precision of timers in JavaScript," Bergbom explained in a blog post. "However, once Wasm gets support for threads with shared memory (which is already on the Wasm roadmap) very accurate timers can be created. That may render browser mitigations of certain CPU side channel attacks non-working."

Meltdown and Spectre have been wreaking havoc on processors from Intel, AMD and ARM since early this year. Both exploit vulnerabilities in CPUs to steal sensitive data stored in memory. After these vulnerabilities were disclosed, most major vendors released patches.

Researchers previously proved that attackers could exploit Meltdown and Spectre remotely using JavaScript code that runs in browsers. In response, the major browsers released updates that affected the accuracy of the attack codes. The WebAssembly updates will effectively negate those browser mitigations.

"Like with many new technologies there are potential security issues which need to be considered," Bergbom wrote. "Collectively, these present new opportunities for malicious actors. Much as with JavaScript, the possibilities with [WebAssembly] are -- if not quite endless -- very broad."

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