CCSP practice test: Do you know the cloud computing basics?

Preparing to take the CCSP exam? Test your knowledge of key topics in Domain 1, which covers cloud concepts, reference architectures, security concerns and design principles.

How well do you know cloud computing basics? Do you know your IaaS and  PaaS? Can you identify the building block technologies of cloud computing? Domain 1 of the CCSP exam, “Architectural Concepts and Design Requirements,” assesses your understanding of these cloud computing basics and more.

From definitions and deployment models, this practice quiz will help you review essential cloud terms and concepts. Ten multiple-choice questions test your knowledge of cloud computing basics commonly covered in Domain 1 of the CCSP exam.

The following are exam practice questions from Domain 1 of The Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CCSP CBK, Second Edition, by Adam Gordon, CISSP-ISSAP, ISSMP, SSCP.

CCSP® is a registered mark of (ISC)².

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