Take this cybersecurity-challenges quiz and score CPE credit

Just finished ISM's May 2019 issue? Solidify your knowledge, and get CPE credits too, by passing this 10-question quiz.

In Information Security magazine, our goal is to keep you informed and up-to-date on all the key issues of the field. That's why we study the latest research released from firms you can trust, cull from it the key information you need to know and offer you this chance to win CPE credit with a cybersecurity-challenges quiz.

It's why we ask leading experts in every area of the field to weigh in on the hottest topics and cybersecurity challenges of the day.

Among the broad ranges of issues security pros need to understand are new developments in technology and advances in research, as well tech-relevant events in the world of international relations. For instance, thus far in 2019, issues affecting the information security field include new U.S. restrictions on the Chinese technology company Huawei and an increase in the type of risks that come with the spread of cloud use.

Those who work in the IT field must also stay apprised of developments in the regulatory world. New privacy regulations, the GDPR, are inspiring similar measures in other countries and even in certain U.S. states, like California.

These are just a few of the subjects we cover in the May 2019 edition of ISM. If you've read the features and columns, and examined our infographics, you'll be prepared to challenge your comprehension with this ten-question quiz on cybersecurity challenges. By taking our quiz, not only will you solidify your grasp of new information central to the security field, but you can also earn professional credit.

Correctly answer at least seven of the following questions in this cybersecurity-challenges quiz, and you will be eligible to earn CPE credit through our certification partner, (ISC)².

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