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April 2018, Vol. 17, No. 2

A multi-cloud strategy provides more options and headaches

You don't hear much talk of the cloud anymore. Sure, everyone is talking about clouds. But we no longer consider cloud one large, homogenous entity under the banner of the cloud. We've come to understand that all clouds are different, whether they're hosted by the likes of Amazon, Microsoft or Google or on premises by IT staffs. Each cloud has its strengths and weaknesses. Now the talk is of multiple clouds, or multi-cloud for short. IT no longer investigates how it can use the cloud, but how it can best take advantage of the various cloud options available to hone a multi-cloud strategy. (The exception is Amazon, of course, which wants the world to think AWS is the only cloud that matters.) A multi-cloud focus is a good thing, because it makes people realistic about the value of clouds. But like all new technology buzzwords, it can be confusing. When storage vendors talk multi-cloud strategy -- and storage vendors are all talking a lot about multi-cloud these days -- what exactly do they mean? Multi-cloud meanings One thing to ...

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Disaster Recovery
Data Backup
  • RAID 5 vs. RAID 10

    RAID is a staple for backup and storage administrators who want to create redundancy and protect data. RAID 5 and RAID 10 offer ...

  • Eon makes cloud backups available across major hyperscalers

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  • RAID 1 vs. RAID 5

    Neither RAID 1 nor RAID 5 is clearly better than the other, but there are several areas to compare the two to find the right ...

Data Center
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