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Want IT resiliency? Look to both security and disaster recovery

This article is part of the Storage issue of April 2018, Vol. 17, No. 2
We Floridians dread hurricane season. Storm predictors will issue 2018 forecasts, prognosticating the number of storms that will form in the Atlantic, how powerful they'll be and how many will make landfall. We've come to take these with a grain of salt, however. It isn't that we're lackadaisical. But if you look at 2017, they said it would be a calm year with few storms. Tell that to the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Houston. The truth is weather-related disasters are no longer just a possibility. They're a certain probability. And while the frequency of storm events may not be significantly greater than in past years, the severity has been increasing. That's why I chuckle when I hear people talk about their high-availability server configurations as a substitute for disaster recovery (DR) planning. It's also why I bristle when others boast about their survivability thanks to a subscription with some DR as a service. That may work, of course, but only if the cloud service provider isn't in the building ...
Features in this issue
Learn storage techniques for managing unstructured data use
Rearchitect storage to maximize unstructured data use at the global scale for larger data sets coming from big data analytics and other applications.
SAN purchase and deployment criteria by the numbers
Capacity and application needs drive businesses to deploy new storage area network systems, while criteria such as number of LUNs and multipathing are key to purchasing decisions.
Columns in this issue
A multi-cloud strategy provides more options and headaches
The days of the cloud as a single, homogenous entity are long gone. Going forward, you'll likely have a multi-cloud storage strategy and work with multiple service providers.
Want IT resiliency? Look to both security and disaster recovery
Security, protection from hackers and ransomware, disaster preparedness and disaster recovery are all means to the goal of resilient IT infrastructure and business processes.