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Use network tools to improve IoT analytics with data flow

We all know that IoT is taking place in modern applications for industries. IoT technology is developing quickly, making analytics crucial to ensure security. IoT analytics operates using the cloud and electronic instrumentation, which requires programmers to control and access IoT data.

IT pros approaching IoT analytics should capture data via packets in automated workloads, also known as flow.  Flow is the sharing of packets with the For example, if you stream a video on the internet, packets are sent from the server to your device. This is flow in action. NetFlow and sFlow are both tools that monitor network traffic.

Methodologies for IoT analytics

IT pros are still creating methods to capture the flow of data for analyzing IoT. The number of cloud companies has increased, and as networks continue to grow, it’s very risky to carry down the large visibility gap for capturing data.

Because of data traffic, many cloud companies have started to send information through their networks via IP Flow, sFlow and NetFlow. When you start to capture IoT specific data, there are several advantages. The data gets standardized into industry-accepted data, and once the data is observed from the gateway, it can be correlated with traffic data coming out from the data center or cloud services in use. And every cloud environment can create flow through generating and exporting the data.

I have listed below the top companies’ methodologies of IoT analytics:

Amazon: Amazon is a famous platform for cloud services. Not only with its cost, but also with its frequency response of the network. It has many features to enhance the IoT platform, and can support many devices. This platform uses flow as the mechanism to communicate. The service is handled by the virtual private cloud. It comes across under certain levels such as ports, networks, traffic levels, and some other communication networks. Data gets stored using the CloudWatch logs in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Microsoft Azure: It flows under a secured network system. The flow logs are work or travel in a flow and stored into Azure storage in the format of JSON. The data from the devices have been stored in a method of real-time data.

Google: Google is a famous platform in every technology. Google Cloud IoT Core is a fully managed service that allows you to handle easily and secure the connection with manages and ingests data from millions of globally dispersed devices. The data flow is run by logging the Stackdriver. And the performance of the network operates with good latency. It handles large data which works still fine.

Tools for network flow export

There are many resources that you may get for the network flow. Every one of them was work with the same aspects where the data get described perfectly for different kinds of devices. The network for every cloud-based IoT device is formed with an infrastructure that consumes the resources to deliver secure data. There are many tools based on the size of the devices consider if you are using a small size device to collect the data from the gateway, there are some tools that describe the data from the traffic of the network. You may hear about the Linux OS which much secured than the other OS. But even you can run the IoT based cloud on both Windows and Linux based systems. Most of them prefer Linux based devices only.

SoftFlowd: This tool is highly efficient and it is an open-source tool. This can convert the packet data into a flow data based on the application size but not used in many devices due to its lack of features than other tools. The only thing about this tool that it doesn’t has updates frequently.

NDSAD: This tool is completely running on the platform of hosting and collecting the data by the interface and export to the flow called NetFlow. It observes the data from the network card with the lower latency and can enhance with more advanced capture methods. The application of this tool is less consumed due to its feature.

Select a tool based on data flow

To analyze data from the flow can be easily done than the method like the software to track the data that works under a procedure. This works under the protocol of the network technology to maintain a secure way. There are many flow techniques for analyzing the data to obtain output and to make the data as standardized. I have listed an example tool of flow to obtain standardized data.

SampledFlow is also named as sample flow used to the purpose of network operating. It is a great source of data. It captures or observes the data from the different sources and output the data in a well-formed structured and the output can feed into another responding tool. The output of the sampled flow can be converted into NetFlow to move further steps.

Final thoughts

There are lots of IoT projects were running over the various applications and even many of the companies like mobile app-based companies were working towards the technology to get good and secure services. The data of the system can be handled a high amount of data by the cloud storage that I have noted above. Each cloud services have an efficiency to take care of your devices. Many tools can handle the flow from the packets and converted them into output. Each tool has its specialty which has drawn from its network and the devices. It also depends upon the size of the devices that you use. I hope you may get some knowledge about the IoT analytics flow.

All IoT Agenda network contributors are responsible for the content and accuracy of their posts. Opinions are of the writers and do not necessarily convey the thoughts of IoT Agenda.

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