Changes on the horizon for big data analytics tools

The market for big data analytics tools remains fragmented, but users are expecting consolidation in the near future.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- The debate over what the term big data actually means has been going on for years, but don't expect it to last much longer.

Exhibit A: Ingo Mierswa, CEO at analytics software vendor RapidMiner, said he is blasé about the term big data, even though it has proven to be a useful tool for generating marketing buzz

In this edition of Talking Data, recorded live at the MIT CIO Symposium, TechTarget editors Ed Burns and Jack Vaughan recap the event's big data chatter and look at how an emerging school of thought about the demise of the term might impact the market for big data analytics tools. Businesses have long complained that talking about big data in an abstract sense doesn't benefit their bottom lines. They are looking for tools to address specific issues, but talking about big data has translated to big sales for technology vendors, and the term has been hard to shake. Other speakers at the Symposium noted that the market for big data analytics is on the verge of major consolidation, which may compel users to rally behind a set of common technologies for managing and analyzing large data sets, and could end debates about the definition of big data.

Ed Burns is site editor of SearchBusinessAnalytics. Email him at [email protected] and follow him on Twitter: @EdBurnsTT.

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Learn why vague big data definitions fractured the tech market

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