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Is Microsoft-Linux alliance good for CIOs, open source?

In a surprising turn of events, Microsoft has announced its plans to join The Linux Foundation, despite the companies’ less-than-friendly repertoire over the years. Senior Site Editor John Moore explores what this means for open source technology and CIOs.

At the recent SIM Boston Summit, SearchCIO caught up with two IT leaders to get their take on pertinent CIO topics. In the first video interview, Mikhail Papovsky, CEO at management consulting firm Abraic Inc., details the top challenges facing today’s CIOs. Then, Bhavani Amirthalingam, VP of information technology and business transformation at energy management company Schneider Electric, discusses developing an IoT business plan that works for IT and the business.

Perkins School for the Blind is working towards a more accessible future by taking advantage of cloud computing. Features Writer Jason Sparapani explores how cloud factors into the delivery of bus stop information to people with visual impairment and where the school plans to go from there.

There’s a new CIO at Facebook — Atish Banerjea, who joined the social media company last month. Martha Heller, CIO recruiter and president at Heller Search Associates, explains why he’s a good choice.

At the SIMposium conference in Connecticut, executive coach Michelle Lederman delved into three leadership tenets of the relationship-driven executive. Here, Assistant Editor Mekhala Roy details those tenants and the importance of overcoming the bad-boss syndrome.

Also from SIMposium: The massive DDoS attack on domain name server provider Dyn is the latest example of just how much damage can be caused from IoT-related attacks. In this IT Compliance Advisor blog post, read how that attack — and others — is a wake-up call for IT professionals to up the ante on IoT security.

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