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May 2018, Vol. 2, No. 3

Tread carefully with modern Windows application management

Microsoft thinks that you, as Windows administrators, should modernize how you manage computing resources and users. While I appreciate the concepts and direction, it might not make sense for every organization -- yet. You must first buy into modern Windows application management and then proceed tactically where and when it makes sense. This strategy involves provisioning devices with an operating system, applications and identity management, and enforcing policies that control those applications. Today, you probably achieve this on premises using a combination of imaging, System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), application virtualization and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) with Group Policies. Microsoft's modern Windows application management approach is to move all of this control to the cloud to free IT from having to host the infrastructures you use today. Where modern management is headed There are limitations to modern management. Microsoft's capabilities continue to evolve, but the inability of its Intune device ...

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