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May 2018, Vol. 2, No. 3

Cross-platform mobile app development is more viable than ever

Endpoint diversity and the differences in developer skill sets have made it critical that today's mobile apps have strong performance across multiple platforms. Employees have come to expect to use the mobile devices of their choosing for their day-to-day workflows. As a result, organizations have had to invest in tools to modernize the applications they have relied on for years. At the same time, tools have emerged that can drastically simplify the process of creating applications that run across multiple operating systems. More importantly, many of these cross-platform mobile app development tools feature design, development, testing and deployment capabilities within a single integrated platform. Developers' experience also comes into play. An organization may have a talented roster of highly skilled and classically trained developers, or have a mix of these folks with inexperienced developers and semi-professional developers. Fortunately, modern mobile development vendors have seen this mix of skills among their customers ...

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