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Manage SCVMM logical networks with PowerShell

Use System Center Virtual Machine Manager and PowerShell to make logical network management easy. Execute a script to display network virtualization information in a simple chart.

Make it easy to manage SCVMM logical networks with a combination of PowerShell commands and scripts.

System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) enables you to define different types of networks as logical segments that reflect physical networks. SCVMM bases logical networks on physical locations in a production environment. You can create SCVMM logical networks manually and automatically in SCVMM and PowerShell.

It's often necessary to get a list of logical networks from the SCVMM database and generate a report that can help you ensure the settings are correct. Use PowerShell commands and scripts to retrieve information about SCVMM logical networks and generate a report in a CSV format.

SCVMM installation provides the PowerShell cmdlet Get-SCLogicalNetwork, which you can use to gather information about SCVMM logical networks and their properties, such as the network virtualization status and description text.

Execute Get-SCLogicalNetwork | Format-Table Name to show a list of the SCVMM logical networks. If you want to see whether network virtualization is enabled and view the description for all the logical networks, use the PowerShell script below.

PowerShell script
Figure A. Use a PowerShell script to see the network virtualization statuses.

Once the above PowerShell script executes, it generates a report file in CSV under C:\Temp\LogicalNetworks.CSV that includes the name of the logical network, its description and whether network virtualization is enabled.

Logical network chart
Figure B. Generate a chart that includes network virtualization statuses and descriptions.

As you can see in the report above, the script collected four logical networks from the SCVMM database and shows the network virtualization statuses and descriptions for the SCVMM logical networks.

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